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How Soon Is Too Soon To Propose

How Soon Is Too Soon to Propose



So, you’re thinking about popping the question – first off

Things must be going pretty well with your other (better?) half.

But are you worried it’s all a bit too soon?

Don’t stress it!

Here at StagWeb, we’ve been around the wedding industry since way back in 2002, and have seen every type of proposal – the good, the bad, and the ugly – and we’ve picked up a few hints to identify how soon is too soon to propose.

Ten Signs You’re Ready to Propose

1. You’ve discussed marriage

This one’s always a good start. There are plenty of couples that feel marriage isn’t for them – so it’s best to double-check with your partner. Once you’ve had the go-ahead, you’ll feel a lot more confident about popping the question.

2. You can’t imagine a future without your significant other

How incredibly soppy
 but if you ever catch yourself wondering what the future looks like and can’t picture your life without your partner, it might be the right time.

3. “We” vs “I”

Do you spend so much time together that you now use the phrase “we” over “I”? Well, we’ve got news for you buddy
 you might just be ready.

4. You’ve talked about your future

Have you had a serious conversation about your future together? Have you discussed goals and aspirations? Kids? Cats? Taking the other person’s surname? Proposing might be the next step.


5. You’ve made it through tough times together

No relationship is perfect (NEWS FLASH), but if you know you can make it through the tough times and come out the other side stronger, it might be time.

6. You live with or spend lots of time together

Let’s face it, if you can name all your partner’s annoying habits and still want to spend time with them, you might just be on to a winner!

7. You’re both emotionally mature

Marriage requires a certain level of maturity to make sure you navigate difficult situations as a team. If you both have a similar level of emotional maturity, you might be ready.

8. Your ‘go-to’ person

Is your partner your go-to person for sharing good/bad/boring news with? It’s rare to find someone like this, but we don’t need to tell you that!

9. You trust and respect each other…

Do you have full trust in each other? Can you rely on them, and is the feeling of respect and trust mutual? Congrats! These are signs of a healthy relationship.

10. A gut feeling

Sometimes you just know that your partner is the one. If you have a strong gut feeling that you can’t ignore, who are we to tell you you’re wrong?! Go for it!

Ten Signs It Might Be Too Soon to Propose

1. Pressure to take the next steps

If getting engaged feels like the next thing to tick off the list, this probably isn’t the right time to propose.

2. You haven’t been together for very long

Look, we can’t put an exact time frame on the right time to pop the question, but if you’ve only been together for a few months, you probably won’t be ready to make this lifelong commitment.

3. You’re not financially stable

Let’s face it, marriage costs are a commitment themselves! Don’t sign yourself up for something you can’t afford. Wait it out and save some money to make your day your dream day.

4. Lack of communication

If you haven’t discussed your future together, then it might be an idea to do that before proposing.

Wedding Toast Etiquette

5. You have different priorities

Marriage is guaranteed to be the one constant in your life once you’ve committed. Make it your priority if that’s the road you choose to go down. If you’ve not got the time to make it work, it’s probably best not to commit.

6. You don’t deal with arguments well

Sounds weird, right?! But having disagreements is very normal in any relationship. If you don’t, you probably haven’t known each other very long or you’re fearful of causing arguments and avoid conversations that could potentially rock the boat.

7. You don’t argue at all!!

Having disagreements is very normal in any relationship. This can mean one of two things, you either haven’t known either very long or you’re fearful of causing conflict and avoid conversations that could potentially rock the boat.

8. You’re not sure of their values

It’s important to get to know the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of your partner before taking the plunge. You may not always agree, but if all the big stuff aligns for you, you’re on the right path.

9. You’ve not talked about marriage

Before popping the question, you need to know if it’s something that’s on the cards. If you aren’t 100% sure that it’s something they want
 talk to them.

10. You’re not 100% yourself

You need to be comfortable being yourself around them. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life pretending to be someone you’re not.

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