What's Included
♦ Experience zero-G (weightlessness)
♦ 15 parabolas on a Boeing 727
♦ Photos and videos of your experience
♦ Certificate
♦ Flight suit included
♦ Incredible once in a lifetime opportunity
"To infinity and beyond!"
If you are looking for a once in a lifetime pre-wedding stag party experience that is out of this world then experiencing true weightlessness 34,000 feet in the air whilst feeling the pull of 1.8G's is most definitely for you.
This is certainly not your average stag party, this is a journey that reaches greater heights than most weekends away with the lads. One small step for man, one giant leap for stag-kind.
The Zero Gravity Experience is a weekend that will surpass all your stag do expectations and something the groom and all chosen men will never forget.
The Experience...
While not quite travelling beyond infinity even Buzz Lightyear will be envious of this incredible flight which is as close as it’s possible to get to walking in space without signing up for the next European space mission.
At the end of the day each participant will be given a certificate marking their special flight as well as being able to keep their flight suit.
A stag party simply that is out of this world.
Where can I do this? Las Vegas, & more US locations.
The Joker

Make this a flight to remember...
- This journey into the unknown takes place in Las Vegas.
- You'll arrive at the flight base to undergo the necessary training procedures and safety briefings required to take the flight.
- Once fully prepared you'll step on board a specially modified Boeing 727 ready for take off.
- The craft will soar to an altitude of 34,000 feet at where is will sharply descend at a 45 degree angle.
- The plane will then perform 15 aerobatic parabolas, essentially this is when the plane cheats gravity, and gives you the chance to experience true weightlessness.
The internal compartment is specially padded so that once you are airborne and the craft reaches the zero-G conditions you are free to float, fly and somersault through the cabin giving you the chance to share the sensations experienced by real astronauts.

The Format...
- Check-in at mission control
- Pre-flight orientation, including a pre-flight video
- Thorough pre-flight security checks on all attendees
- Embark aircraft
- 30 minutes flight to reach optimum altitude
- Onboard demonstration
- The zero gravity experience will commence, consisting of 15 parabolas, lasting about 30 seconds each
- Photos and videos will be shot throughout the flight
- Return to terra firma
- Debriefing
The flight is anywhere between 1.5 to 2 hours long. It generally takes 30 minutes for the aircraft to arrive at airspace the FAA assigns. Reaching the altitude needed to create the parabola actually takes about 5-10 minutes.
Did you know gravity is stronger in the morning?
That's why it is harder to get up out of bed.

The Details...
Duration: 5 hours. (The flight duration is between 1.5 to 2 hours.)
Dress code: Your own flight suit is included.
Availability: All year round.
Group size: Minimum of 6 stags.
Experience: All training provided.
Thomas Frey
To find out more call us on 01225 474200